The NZLTC is a great opportunity to network with other professionals involved in the land treatment of wastes and waste products throughout Aotearoa.
As a member, you are entitled to an exclusive range of benefits:
Members must agree to abide by the ‘Constitution and Rules’ of the Collective, a copy of which can be obtained from the NZLTC Technical Manager:
To join the Collective, you need to submit the membership form to the Collective and request an invoice. The annual corporate membership fee is $900 excl. GST. If you would like to discuss membership, or anything about the Collective, don’t hesitate to contact us.
You can view the current list of Members and Collaborative Members
The New Zealand Land Treatment Collective (NZLTC) was established in 1989 to support research into the treatment of wastes and waste products by land application, by providing its members with up-to-date information on land treatment technology, research and information.
The NZLTC works to improve communication to all stakeholders in the waste management industry and to help fund research into developing and improving land treatment technology in New Zealand.
The NZLTC has members from research organisations, universities, district and regional councils, government departments, and environmental and engineering consulting companies.